
Pursuant to the post about getting the old compilation pages up, I’ve been exploring the idea of new compilation projects. I sent out some emails today to see if I can find a netlabel interested in handling the release/hosting duties for the finished product, and contacted the purveyor of the archive of sound files that I want to be the basis of the first project.

We have a go for the latter, but nothing solid on the former. As soon as I get that detail worked out, I’ll be posting an official project thread.

Compilations are up

I spent a few hours today culling the compilation data from an old database backup, and got those pages up and running. You can find them directly under the Projects button, above, or linked from the Controlled Dissonance catalog.

Going through all these data brought back some fond memories of the grand compilation projects of bygone years; and it had me briefly considering the idea of organizing another one in the near future. I’m currently working with other members of the Mental Hygiene League to put together a compilation for them, but when that is done, don’t be surprised to see something appear on these pages again.


We have a problem.

It seems that the Compilation pages were in the old database, and not in the Controlled Dissonance database along with all the other release pages. What this means is that, when I killed the old database, all those pages went with it. Of course I didn’t back the database up before I killed it. Why would I do such a thing?

Good news: I still have all the audio and, using the tracklistings, I should be able to recreate most of the pages.

Bad news: Some of the compilations, like Collusion, had some detailed information that I can’t recreate from memory.


NTNS Radio

It’s been a while since I last pimped NTNS Radio, so I thought I would besmirch the front page of the new site with just such a post. Not The Normal Shit Radio is a weekly netradio program hosted by Dutch experimental sound artist Mark Stolk, aka Mystahr, featuring the some of the best in independent noise, ambient, abstract and experimental sound.

The show happens every Saturday (overnight from Friday for those of us here in the Western Hemisphere). Check out the official blog for more details, specific show times and a link to the streaming audio:


Just don’t tell him that I sent you.

(Connect the god damned dots)